Carina is a Manta 42MkII Catamaran, manufactured by Manta Catamarans of Sarasota FL. She is hull number 108, semi-custom built beginning with hull layup in November 2005 to final commissioning in May of 2006. Sadly, the Manta factory went out of business in 2008 . The Manta cat was designed for a niche market of owner-cruiser couples as opposed to the charter market and the layout and system designs reflect such.
Carina is obviously more than just a boat to us. She is our (only) home, our means of transportation to our destinations, and our protective sanctuary. For us, Carina has her own personality and we have learned both her limitations and her forgiveness. While underway, she has above-average performance characteristics against other multi-hulls of comparable size. But, as with any cruising catamaran, excess weight due to carrying your home on the water, results in sluggish performance....more so in light winds. I’d estimate her "cruising weight" at about 21,000 lbs with full fuel and water tankage, dinghy and motor, and all the other “must-have stuff”. We carry a full assortment of tools to repair and service almost every mechanical system onboard. While we carry some basic spare parts, we did not attempt to stock up on expensive and heavy engine spares since we already do have the redundancy of two engines, two heads, etc. We have complete confidence in Carina’s seaworthiness and her ability to get us to our next destination in comfort and safety.
Once we’ve arrived at a protected port or anchorage, Carina transforms into a comfortable floating home with all the amenities and conveniences of any home on land. Our cockpit is our porch with an ever changing view of our surroundings as the boat swings on anchor. Our dinghy is our transportation to / from shore. Kathy can serve up amazingly extravagant meals from her small but functional galley and she typically keeps us fully provisioned with enough booze and food for upwards of 3-4 months.
A boat’s size and features are a relative thing and we’ve come to accept the notion that there’s no such thing as the perfect boat and that there will always be another boat that is bigger, faster or more luxurious (and more expensive !) than the one we own. That being said, we felt the Manta Catamaran was the best compromise for us as a live-aboard sailcat. The engineering, construction and standard equipment provided made it an excellent value when compared to other catamarans of similar size. Click on each photo to view enlarged.
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